Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I SPY DIY: Washi Crafting!

Today I got a little time to do some crafting with my new washi tape! I was inspired by some posts on Pinterest of clothespins used as sorters for all that mail and random paper that can take over your countertop. I love how they turned out and how the keep my paper pile organized!

If you want to make your own you'll need:
- washi tape in a few colors and patterns
- stamp pad
- letter stamps
- clothespins
- craft knife

Use your craft knife to cut the washi tape into one inch strips. This should be exactly the right amount you'll need. Apply tape to the short end of clothespins. If you have any overhang, you can always remove the washi tape, trim it, and reapply. Stamp whatever categories you need on the long ends of the clothespins. 

VOILA! So easy!!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! It's amazing what you can do when you apply yourself. I would have never thought of this!
